The Sun is always too bright to be seen clearly with naked eye. However, with the help of proper equipment, we can reveal the ever changing dynamic of the Sun. The 11-year solar cycle measures the Sun’s activity in terms of variations in the number of observed sunspots on the Sun’s surface, with the highest number of sunspots occurring during the solar maximum. The current Solar Cycle 25 is predicted to peak in 2025. Therefore, the Sun will be getting more active and producing more sunspots in the next few years. Have you ever wondered if we can take a clear image of the Sun?   



The Astronomical Society of Penang will be conducting an Solar Imaging for Beginners Online Workshop on February 26, 2023 (Sunday), conducted by renowned astrophotographer Mr. Michael Teoh.
Michael is an amateur astronomer residing in Penang, Malaysia. He is the founding committee member of the Astronomical Society of Penang and coach of the Heng Ee High School Astronomy Club. Michael is well-known for his acute attention to detail resulting in highly detailed planetary images that he contributes to the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (ALPO) for research purposes. In recent years, Michael was recognized for his image of a sunspot on NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day, as well as winning prizes in international astrophotography contests with his solar images.

In this workshop, you will learn how to capture beautiful images of the Sun using various equipment. 

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