Happy Winners for Astrophotography Contest

Year 2021 was another tough year for many people around the world. Gladly we have a bunch of great supporters and astronomy enthusiasts around Malaysia who keeps the astronomical scene on-going. 
Many have participated our annual Astronomical Society of Penang’s Astrophotography Contest. With the amount of time spent at home, people have found the passion in astrophotography, especially those who are living in darker regions of Malaysia. We definitely received many more high quality images from the participants.
A big THANK YOU to our sponsors N4 Camera Store, Perseid Telescope, YB Chong Eng and Canon Malaysia, as well as our supporting partners 寻星天文学会 Star-Finder Astronomical Society and FalakOnline for making this contest successful.
Keep up the good work and we hope to see more beautiful photos this year.
Clear skies!!!

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